INFILT pusher centrifuge
(1) Feed conditions
For machine size optimization and maximum operating reliability, it is important to provide a uniform and concentrated slurry feed. As upstream equipment such as crystallizers or reactors frequently do not meet these requirements satisfactorily, a pre thickener system is usually applied.
(2) Feeding:-The Cone type distributor diverts the slurry flow in the direction of the rotating basket, pre-accelerating the slurry and distributing it uniformly in the feed zone in order to achieve smooth cake formation. Uniform distribution of the slurry is the basic requirement for trouble-free operation of the centrifuge.
(3) Filtration:-In addition to the pre-acceleration the residual moisture can be influenced by variable residence time of the product in the centrifuge. The residence time is usually between 10 and 60 seconds. It is mostly dependent on the adhesion factor between the product and the filter media. With different configurations of screens and baskets, the residence time during operation is optimized and adjusted to the actual throughput rates. There is a wide range of screens available, providing the optimum filter media for the variety of separating tasks. The width between the slots and the screen profile are adjusted to the optimum setting for the respective product. The screen slot widths generally range between 0.1 and 0.5 mm.
(4) Cleaning:-With a wide range of CIP nozzles distributed inside the basket and the process housing, the pusher centrifuge can be cleaned automatically. A unique feature in the market is cleaning not only of the basket rear wall, but also of the space between each basket rear wall and the pusher bottom without dismantling.
(5) Discharge conditions:-The two flows of filtrate and solids are discharged separately from the machine. It is important that there is no filtrate build-up during this process.
Chemical engineering is well-known as an empirical science, and it requires the help of experimental work. To minimize the amount of experimental work the research team apply well proven principles of experimental design to their research.For the scientific study of liquid-solid separation phenomena the research group has access to numerous types of laboratory and pilot scale equipment, which together with reliable analytical methods form the basis for modeling the phenomena.
Modeling and interpretation of the basic phenomena play a vital role in the research work. Although the basic phenomena of liquid-solid separation have been extensively studied, much remains undefined regarding the characterization of the interaction between filtration materials and slurries, bio-materials in filtrations, and mathematical modeling of different phenomena.
The research work consists of three main areas